Smartcar iOS Auth SDK

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The SmartcarAuth iOS SDK makes it easy to integrate with Smartcar Connect from iOS.

The SDK follows the best practices set out in OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps.


SmartcarAuth supports iOS 13 and above.

Smartcar Connect is presented in a webview in your application using the Smartcar iOS SDK.


SmartcarAuth is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "SmartcarAuth"

Getting Started

First, you need to have a global SmartcarAuth object in your AppDelegate to hold the session, in order to continue the authorization flow from the redirect.

// global variable in the app's AppDelegate
var smartcarSdk: SmartcarAuth? = nil

Next, you will need to configure your redirect URI. Your redirect URI must follow this format: <custom scheme>://<hostname>. We suggest "sc" + clientId + "://" + hostname.

Then, initiate the SmartcarAuth object in the UIViewController.

let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate

func completionHandler(code: String?, state: String?, virtualKeyUrl: String?, err: AuthorizationError?,) -> Void {
 // Receive authorization code

appDelegate.smartcar = SmartcarAuth(
  clientId: "afb0b7d3-807f-4c61-9b04-352e91fe3134",
  redirectUri: "scafb0b7d3-807f-4c61-9b04-352e91fe3134://exchange",
  scope: ["read_vin", "read_vehicle_info", "read_odometer"],
  completionHandler: completionHandler
let smartcar = appDelegate.smartcar

// Generate a Connect URL
let authUrl = smartcar.authUrlBuilder().build()

// Pass in the generated Connect URL and a UIViewController
smartcar.launchAuthFlow(url: authUrl, viewController: viewController)

Handling the Redirect

For iOS 13 and above, the callback URL with the authentication code (or error) is automatically passed to the completion handler and no further action to intercept the callback is required.

SDK Reference

For detailed documentation on parameters and available methods, please refer to the SDK Reference.


Smartcar Inc.,


SmartcarAuth is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.